The efficacy of the product is linked to the rapid availability of organic compounds that can be immediately absorbed by the plant and microorganisms useful at the root and soil level. IDROGRENA PLUS is best used by foliar applications, .
If used in a preventive way, Idrogrena Plus can lower the cryoscopic point by about 3-4° C and then together with the other systems used, anti frost or rising temperatures with heat, can preserve crops from more serious damage.
It can be used a few days before the frost, but its action is also expressed during the frost, if done with timely interventions, such as the morning after the frost, when the temperature returns to be higher than 0, and so on until the end of the frost. A further application for all those situations that apply a benefit added to the benefits of polyamines.
IDROGRENA PLUS stimulates the plant’s immune system.
This effect of IDROGRENA PLUS is also expressed in a higher production of phytoalexin by the plant itself. This property makes IDROGRENA PLUS a useful product for the production of flowering plants and cut flowers, ensuring a longer flowering life. The distillation process makes the concentrated product free from salts and does not create phytotoxicity.
The polyamines have important roles and physiological stimulation properties during:
• adverse environmental conditions (frosts, hailstorms);
• water stress or radical asphyxia;
• weed stress;
• post-transplant stress;
• root proliferation;
• growth of microflora in the vicinity of the roots;
• availability of nutrients.