IDROGRENA أدروقرينا
Biostimulant Anti-stress
IDROGRENA is an organic liquid extract rich in polyamines.
The effectiveness of the product is
available for rapid availabilityorganic compounds that can be immediately absorbed by the plant and by the micro-organisms useful in the water of the crops and the sun.
IDROGRENA is effective for foliar application or for irrigation in the goutte-à-goutte.
Once in contact with the strains, the polyamines favor cellular reproduction and the emission of secondary strains.
IDROGRENA ensures constant and balanced biostimulation of cultures throughout the vegetative-productive period, stimulating the vegetal immune system with a plus
great production of phytoalexines in the plant.
IDROGRENA – أدروقرينا
يحتوي على المواد التالية :
Polyamines naturels + Ca+Fer+B+Mg+Mn+Cu+Zn
لكل طالبتكم لاتترددوا في الاتصال بمندوبين شركة صوميديا او موزعين ا لمعتمدين لديها.
مصنوعة من طرف شركة جرينا الاطالية.