Grena with its range of organic and organo-mineral fertilizers rich in amino acids offers very interesting solutions for the nutritional management of hazelnut groves.
In order to obtain a valid management of the hazelnut grove, in fact, we must foresee not only the contribution of the nutritional elements necessary for the production but we must also think about the plant system and its future, in order to guarantee productivity in the years to come.
The best way to create this balance is to take care of the soil, so that it is able to release nutrients and form future reserves.
Organic matter and amino acids are the soil’s best allies, in fact they are the main promoters of all those soil microorganisms that make the soil alive and dynamic, capable of transforming, releasing and accumulating nutrients.
Furthermore, the levorotatory amino acids, widely present in Grena fertilizers, promote root growth, enabling the plant to explore more volume of soil and to assimilate more nutritional elements.
GRENA SPRINT CALCIO N6 +15 CaO is the organic fertilizer suitable for the spring fertilization of hazelnut groves, in fact the presence of slow-release organic nitrogen guarantees lasting nutrition and the 15% of Calcium improves the consistency of the tissues, thus decreasing the number of cracked hazelnuts or empty.
The presence of levorotatory amino acids stimulates the emission of new roots and guarantees the plants an energetically advantageous nutrition, since the amino acid is assimilated and used directly by the plant for protein synthesis.
GRENA LIFE 4.6.10 S +2 MgO is the ternary organo-mineral recommended for the autumn integration of hazelnut groves, in fact the balanced distribution of organic nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium guarantee a nutrition capable of restoring the nutrient reserves of the plants without excessively stimulating their growth.
is the liquid biostimulant recommended by Grena to complete the care of the hazelnut grove, it has the function of relieving the stresses plants encounter throughout the season (heat, drought, wind, excessive humidity) helping to keep the plants healthy and in balance.
The organic polyamines present in IDROGRENA UNIVERSAL have a real anti-stress effect on plants, making them a valid ally against early hazelnut drop.
All the above products are also allowed in organic farming.