…with the beginning of autumn in Croatia we fertilize with #grenalife 4.6.10 +2MgO! 🍂🧑🌾Haskap, jesenska gnojidba i okopavanje u tijeku.
#Grenalife gnojivo formulacije 4.6.10.+ 2Mgo
🍀 Naši dragi partnersi Opg Goran Ĺ˝abić, Kapelica (Garešnica) 🍀 Mineralni magnezÄł koji se nalazi u gnojivu aktivira aminokiseline iz organskog Grena matriksa, što stimulira rast biljaka i obogaćuje okus voća, dok istovremeno gradi obrambeni sistem bil jaka. 💪🌿
Organski Grena matriks je jedinstven zato što je bogat aminokiselinama ukljuÄŤujući huminske i fawn kiseline, karboksilne kiseline i organske amine, koji imaju odliÄŤan biostimulativni uÄŤinak.👌🍃 For more information please contact us: 💻bioinput @andermatt.hr, 📞091 602 49 30 Magnesium mineral present in the fertilizer activates the organic green matrix amino acids, which stimulates plant growth and enriches the taste of fruit, while building the plant defense system at the same time. 💪🌿
Organic Grena Matrix is ​​unique because it is rich in amino acids including humins and fulvoacids, carboxylic acids and organic amines, which have an excellent biostimulatory effect. 👌🍃 For more information contact us: bioinput@andermatt.hr 📞091 602 49 30 ·